
Russell Chadwick Post 389


Girls State

Buckeye Girls State


Buckeye Girls State is a government seminar sponsored by the Department of Ohio American Legion Auxiliary.  This hands-on experience teaches young women the duties, rights, privileges, and responsibilities of American citizenship.  Buckeye Girls State is currently held on the campus of Ashland University, Ashland, Ohio, in June.  Approximately 1,000 girls from the state of Ohio will learn more about City, County, and State Government in one week than they will in an entire semester of high school.

Russell Chadwick Unit 389 sponsors junior girls from Fort Frye and Waterford High Schools who are interested in learning more about government.  For more information, contact the Guidance Counselor at Fort Frye and Waterford High School and visit the web site:  www.buckeyegirlsstate.org.